Friday, November 28, 2014

Hemp Root

In the beginning we had come to realized while searching for a massage cream to ease our daily aches and pains, that all healing creams are not the same. A cream that gives relief, has to do more than feel good, it has to heal.
The Egyptians knew it, the Greeks knew it, and even the Tibetan healers knew it. They, like others in Ancient societies, depended on restoration. The chief element in restorative creams of early pharmacopoeia was hemp. Not the hemp current policies associate with the stereotypical ’60’s’, but Cannabis hemp ROOT, the active ingredient essential to oils prescribed in both the Aramaic and Hebrew versions of the Old Testament. Hemp ROOT, myrrh, and olive oil preparations were applied topically to alleviate swelling and joint pain, or as salves for burns.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Hemp Hearts

Hemp Seeds

Hemp Hearts
Hemp Seeds are a gift of nature. They are the most nutritious seed in the world. Hemp Seeds are a complete protein. They have the most concentrated balance of proteins, essential fats, vitamins and enzymes combined with a relative absence of sugar, starches and saturated fats. Hemp Seeds are one of nature's perfect foods - a Super Food. This is one of the most potent foods available, supporting optimal health and well being, for life. Raw hemp provides a broad spectrum of health benefits, including: weight loss, increased and sustained energy, rapid recovery from disease or injury, lowered cholesterol and blood pressure, reduced inflammation, improvement in circulation and immune system as well as natural blood sugar control.

Hemp belongs to the genus Cannibis sativa and has been cultivated for thousands of years as a source of fiber, edible seeds, edible oil, lubricant, and as a fuel.

Benefits of Hemp Seeds

Hemp Seeds are a perfect and natural blend of easily digested proteins, essential fats (Omega 3 & 6), Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA), antioxidants, amino acids, fiber, iron, zinc, carotene, phospholipids, phytosterols, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin D, vitamin E, chlorophyll, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, copper, potassium, phosphorus, and enzymes. All amino acids essential to optimum health are found in Hemp Seeds, including the rarely found Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA). The 17+ grams of omega fats supplied by Hemp Seeds provides sufficient, continuous energy throughout your day. Many users also experience these health benefits:
  • Excellent source of essential fatty acids including Omega 3, 6 and GLA in the perfect balance.
  • More digestible protein than meat, whole eggs, cheese, human milk, cows milk or any other high protein food
  • Rich in Vitamin E
  • Increases energy levels & metabolic rate
  • Lowers blood LDL cholesterol levels
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Improves cardiovascular circulation & function
  • Improves organ function
  • Improves immunity levels
  • Reduces symptoms of PMS & menstrual cramps
  • Reduces inflammation and the symptoms of arthritis
  • Improves recovery of muscles after exercise
  • Reduces & treats dry skin and hair conditions
  • Reduction of many degenerative diseases through preventative measures
  • Can be eaten by those unable to tolerate nuts, gluten, lactose or sugar; there are no known allergies to hemp foods.

Essential Fatty Acids in Hemp Seeds

The oil contained in the hemp seed is 75-80% polyunsaturated fatty acids (the good fats) and only 9-11% of the lesser desired saturated fatty acids. Hemp seed oil is reputed to be the most unsaturated oil derived from the plant kingdom. The essential fatty acids (EFAs) contained in hemp seed oil are deemed essential because our bodies do not naturally produce them. This means that they must be obtained from the food we eat.

Most health organizations agree that the human body needs a 3 or 4:1 balance of omega 6 over omega 3. Hemp seed is the only seed where this ideal balance occurs. It does not occur in flax, almond, walnut, soybean or olive oil. Daily use of flax seed can lead to dangerous imbalances since flax seed oil has a balance of 1:4 instead of a healthy 4:1 omega-6 over omega-3.

EFAs are involved with producing life's energy throughout the human body and without them, life is not possible. In general, North Americans have a high dietary deficiency in EFAs due to their high intake of processed foods and meats.

Extensive studies have demonstrated that many common illnesses are related to deficiencies or imbalances of specific fatty acids in the body. Symptoms are often related to a lack of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids and their derivatives, the postaglandins.

It has been proven in several clinical studies that dietary supplementation with EFAs or their metabolites (such as GLA) will often prevent or even cure many forms of illness.

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Hemp Seeds are about 1/3 oil and 1/4 protein --for cellular health and energy

Hemp Seeds greatly exceed most energy bars for energy and provides this energy in a better form - not sugar and saturated fats.
Four tablespoons Hemp Seeds(42 g), enough for a meal on cereal, fruit, yogurt or salad, contains:
240 cal energy
15 g essential fats(11.4 g Omega 6 and 3.6 g Omega 3)
2.7 g mono-unsaturated fat
2.1 g saturated fat

Hemp Seeds greatly exceed most energy bars for protein and provides a complete spectrum of vital, natural proteins. 4 Tablespoons contain:
15 g protein
2.5 g fiber
4.5 g carbohydrates
no cholesterol

Contains all the required proteins in the best proportions for human nutrition:

Hemp protein is also a complete source of all 20 known amino acids including the 9 essential amino acids (EAAs) which our bodies cannot produce. Approximately 65% of the protein in hemp seed is made up of the globulin protein Edestin, and is found only in hemp seed. Edestin aids digestion, is relatively phosphorus-free and considered the backbone of the cell's DNA. The other one third of hemp seed protein is Albumin, another high quality globulin protein similar to that found in egg whites. Hemp protein is free of the tryspin inhibitors which block protein absorption and free of oligosaccharides found in soy, which cause stomach upset and gas.

Hemp Seeds are a more digestible protein than meat, whole eggs, cheese, human milk, cows milk, or any other high protein food. They have a better spectrum of available proteins than soybeans--without the soybean anti-nutritional factors.

They are an excellent protein product for everyone - mothers, babies, body builders, convalescents, the elderly, EVERYONE.

The oil component consists of preferred ratios of all essential fatty acids (EFA's):

With 78% essential fats hemp oil greatly exceeds soy oil at 40%, canola oil at 30%, olive oil at 10% and other oils. Omega 3 and Omega 6 essential fats may reduce cholesterol, blood pressure, coronary heart disease and stroke. The 3:1 ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 EFA's in hemp oil is thought to be the best in nature for promoting cellular health. Hemp oil contains more "Omega 3" EFA components (19%) than are found in any fish and in most fish-oil supplements.

Hemp foods reduce inflammation and benefit those with arthritis, cardiovascular disease, psoriasis--even tuberculosis. By improving circulation and reducing inflammation, hemp products may be particularly beneficial for diabetics.

As a rare source of GLA, hemp seeds may be beneficial to those too ill to synthesize this EFA from other fats.

Hemp oil contains plant sterols which may reduce the risk of colon and prostate cancer.

Cellular Health:

There are many long-term health benefits that can be experienced. Hemp Seed is one of the best balanced sources of Omega 3 and Omega 6 essential fatty acids. Hemp Seed contains only small amounts of saturated and mono-unsaturated fats which can be easily converted to energy. Hemp Seed is also an unsurpassed source of the whole spectrum of required proteins, it promotes vigorous cellular development with diverse health benefits:
  • Reduced cholesterol and blood pressure after three months -- with decreasing probability of stroke.
  • Reduction in the inflammatory characteristics of many hundreds of diseases.
  • More rapid recovery from disease, from radiation treatment and from injury.
  • Improvement in circulation: Diabetics may notice warmer, then less discolored, feet.
  • More effective immune system with reduced incidence of all types of disease.

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Recommended Intake

The recommended minimum daily intake of Shelled Hemp Seeds is a 42 grams (4 heaping tablespoons) serving. Larger individuals or those suffering with chronic health conditions such as arthritis, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, cardio vascular disease, acne, eczema, psoriasis, diabetes, circulation problems, intestinal problems, constipation, obesity or prostate problems (to name a few) may want to consider taking 55 grams (5 to 6 heaping tablespoons) a day.

Our Shelled Hemp Seed

We carry Raw, USDA Certified Organic Shelled Hemp Seeds by Nutiva. They are the highest quality Hemp Seeds available. Nutiva's Shelled Hemp Seeds are cold-processed (under 104°F) from raw, live hemp seeds. Nutiva utilizes a mechanical process to remove the hard shells, yielding delicious shelled hemp seeds. The shelled hemp seeds are stored in refrigerated warehouses at temperatures below 40°F. They are not heat sterilized like many other brands of Shelled Hemp Seeds. Nutiva’s purpose is to produce the highest quality organic superfoods, providing superior nutritional value to their customers. They support sustainable agricultural practices and give a fair return to the farmers on whom we depend. They donate 1 percent of their sales to groups that promote sustainable agriculture. Nutiva was one of the first food companies to place the Non-GMO (Non-Genetically Modified Organism) symbol on its labels.

Shelled Hemp Seed has a wonderful nutty flavor that can easily be incorporated into your diet while providing a powerful daily supplement. Hemp seeds contain approximately 25% protein, 31% fat (in the form of nutritious hemp oil), and 34% carbohydrates (mostly from fiber), in addition to an excellent array of vitamins and minerals.